基本信息 |
姓 名 |
王晨祥 |
性 别 |
男 |
最终获得学位 |
博士 |
职 称 |
副教授 |
所学专业 |
海上输送科学 |
现任职务 |
教师 |
研究领域 |
环境规划与管理 |
研究方向 |
环境管理 |
导师类型 |
□ 博士生导师 |
□√ 硕士生导师 |
电子邮箱 |
Wangchenx2007@dlmu.edu.cn |
办公电话 |
[1] 1983.09-1987.07,锦州工学院,工学学士
[2] 1999.09,大连轻工学院,工学硕士
[3] 2002.03-2002.10 大连市产品质量检验所 学习研究
[4] 2002.10-2006.03,日本神户大学,工学博士
[1] 2006.12至今,大连海事大学副教授,硕士生导师
[1] 本科生课程《大学化学》
[2] 本科生课程《分析化学》
[3] 本科生课程《试验设计及统计分析》
[4] 教改项目:本科类
[1] 主要参与国家自然科学基金项目《Ectoine的分泌机理及其超量合成的研究》等3项
[1] Wang, C. X. and Nagata, S.: Effect of osmotic downshock on growth and ectoine utilization in the halotolerant Brevibacterium sp. JCM 6894. Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Marine Biotechnology Conference, 2004.108
[2]Nagata, S. and Wang, C. X.: Efficient utilization of ectoine by halophilic Brevibacterium species and Escherichia coli subjected to osmotic downshock. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 2005, 99 (1): 61-67.
[3]Nagata, S. and Wang, C. X.: Effect of duration of osmotic downshock and coexisting glutamate on survival and uptake of ectoine in the halotolerant Brevibacterium sp. JCM 6894. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 2006, 101(1):57-62.
[4]Wang, C. X., Zhu, D. C. and Nagata, S.: Downshock effect on the substrate uptake in the halotolerant Brevibacterium sp. JCM 6894. Proceedings of Pacem in Maribus XXXI Conference in Australia, 2005.103
[5] Wang, C. X., Zhu, D. C. and Nagata, S.: Supplementation effects of hydroxyectoine on proline uptake of downshocked Brevibacterium sp. JCM 6894. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 2006, 101(2):178-184.
[6]Zhang, L. H., Wang, C. X., Lang, Y. J., Wang, Y. J. and Nagata, S.: Identification and characterization of halotolerant strain isolated from salt lake mud in China. Proceedings of International Symposium on Extremophiles and Their Applications in Japan, 2005,45.
[7]Zhang, L. H, Wang, Y., Zhang, C. Y., Wang, Y. J., Zhu, D. C., Wang, C. X. and Nagata, S.: Supplementation effect of ectoine on the thermostability of phytase. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 2006, 102(6):560-563.
[8] Zhang, L. H, Lang, Y. J, Wang, C. X, Nagata, S.: Promoting effect of compatible solute ectoine on the ethanol fermentation by Zymomonas mobilis CICC10232. Process Biochem., 2008, 43(6):642-646.
[9]Daochen Zhu, Lili Niu, Wang, C. X, Nagata, S.: Isolation and characterization of moderately halophilic bacterium Halomonas ventosae DL7 synthesizing ectoine as compatible solute, Ann. Microbio. 2007(57):401-406.
[10]Daochen Zhu, Chenxiang Wang, Shoko Hosoi-Tanabe, Weimin Zhang and Shinichi Nagata4The synthesis and role of hydroxyectoine in halophilic bacterium Halomonas ventosae DL7. AFR. J. MICROBIOL. RES., 2011(5): 2254-2260.
[1] 硕士招生:
学科:环境规划与管理,招生方向: 类型:学术学位硕士研究生
[2] 博士招生:
学科:环境规划与管理,招生方向: 类型:学术学位博士研究生
[1] 在读硕士3人,毕业硕士6人;在读博士0人,毕业博士0人